Supporting our work

From its inception, the Wilderspin National School has been about involving local people.

Our volunteers make a massive contribution to the town – helping keep and look after special landmark buildings and promoting their use as part of community life and contributing to the visitor economy of Barton.

Click here for more details about our award winning volunteers team.



Twelve Days of Giving

The insurers, Ecclesiastical, have launched their “12 Days of Giving” with £120,000 to distribute among twelve charities.

You can nominate us (Queen Street School Preservation Trust – Charity 1047187) to help our volunteer gardeners with a project to create easy-access raised flower beds and sponsored planters for local schools and groups to care for.   Here’s the link:



Shopping with Amazon?

Why not support the Trust with our work running the Museum and the Joseph Wright Hall.


Click the link below to take you to Smile Amazon, nominate Queen Street School Preservation Trust, Barton upon Humber when prompted, and make your purchases in the normal way via Amazon Smile each time.

Amazon will donate O.5% of your purchases to the Queen Street School Preservation Trust.



Sponsorship & donations

The Museum is run by a charitable trust with the help of volunteers.

Our running costs are not funded by government or local councils.

Free admission enables us to share the Wilderspin Story widely – but the running costs are high.

Our schools and holiday activities, for children from the local community and further afield, are greatly valued, but costly to maintain.

To bridge the gap, we rely on financial support from community-minded individuals and grant making bodies, but it is a constant challenge to make ends meet.

So, please consider giving a donation to help us continue our work – or consider a legacy to the Trust in your will.

We are a registered charity and so can benefit from any gifts made under the Gift Aid scheme.


The Wilderspin Lottery Club

This is a great wy to support our work, and the higher the membership, the bigger the prizes!

Half the money goes to maintain the Museum, the other half in CASH PRIZES – and it’s only £15 per year (less than 30p per week!)



Please call in or ring 01652 635172 for a Standing Order form to join the Lottery Club.

WNS lottery clun Standing Order revision 10 4 20


Donating artefacts

If you have something which relates to the history of the Church School or Samuel Wilderspin and you are interested in donating it to the Museum, please contact us.

In particular, the Museum is keen to receive donations of:

  • School Records
  • Class photos
  • School Text books