For over ten years the Preservation Trust has depended on volunteers to save the School and run the Museum.
We were one of just three voluntary groups in Lincolnshire to receive a Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service in 2018.
We have a huge range of volunteering opportunities to suit the time people have to offer – indoors and out.
Lord-Lieutenant of Lincolnshire, Toby Dennis, presenting QSSPT Chair, John Walker, with our QAVS – the MBE for volunteer groups.
Support & guidance
We always ease new volunteers in gently – and make sure we find their right niche – and before long, everyone gets to know everyone else and feels part of a very special thing.
We provide informal training – and meet up regularly, and there are occasional trips and social events.
We’d love new staff to help – and would be happy to talk to you about the project and to hear more about you and your interests.
Please get in touch if you’re interested so we can show you what is involved, by telephone (01652) 635172 or email wilderspinschoolmuseum@gmail.com