Events Archive

quiz written on blackboard slate

Quiz Night

Museums at Night Quiz Night is tomorrow Friday 29 October in the Infant Schoolroom in the Museum – £2 per person, teams of up to six can be booked now on (01652) 635172.   Doors open 6.30pm.  Quiz starts at 7pm.  Bar. Raffle.  Car parking at rear of Museum.

Posted on:22nd September 2021 20211029 20250323

The Teacher is Abroad in the Land

Samuel Wilderspin began his pioneering work spreading Infant Schools throughout the British Isles in 1820.  Ian Wolseley explores the travels, trials and tribulations of this itinerant promoter of Infant education as he journeyed by road and sea just as the railway age dawned – making a four-year “stopover” here in Barton to set up his Model School.  The talk is part of Barton Civic Society’s 2021 lecture programme, and will take place in the Joseph Wright Hall (ground floor) at 7.3opm.  Non members £2.  Doors open 7.00pm.

Posted on:29th August 2021 20211015 20250323
Posted on:23rd September 2021 20210924 20250323

Decimal Place

How did schools and wider society cope with going decimal overnight fifty years ago?

Reminisce in the Chatty Café and share your memories of pounds, shillings and pence and non-metric weights and measures before the big change.

Posted on:4th September 2021 20210911 20250323

Back to School!

Follow in the footsteps of the Victorian children who came to school here full of trepidation and excitement, through from the School Yard and into School, then explore Mr. Wilderspin’s Infant Schoolroom.

Who used the finger-stocks in the Victorian Classroom?

What’s hidden in the desks in the Wartime Classroom?

What was school like for your mum, dad and grandparents?

Explore the world’s only reconstruction of Mr. Wilderspin’s Model Infant School.

Posted on:12th July 2021 20210910 20250323