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Special events each Open Weekend on the first and third weekend each month from November.
Opening times of The Old School Canteen remain unchanged: Thursday – Sunday 10am-4pm.
Special events each Open Weekend on the first and third weekend each month from November.
Opening times of The Old School Canteen remain unchanged: Thursday – Sunday 10am-4pm.
A 40 minutes tour starting at 1.30pm, demonstrating Mr. Wilderspin’s outside classroom in the Playground before adjourning to his schoolroom.
This walk, led by Andrew Robinson on behalf of Barton Civic Society, explores the traces of the area’s busy industrial and commercial activity which helped shape the town. Meet at Malkiln Road Bridge (corner of Waterside Road) at 1.30pm. Anticipated duration: 60-90 minutes. Free.
In the setting of Samuel Wilderspin’s playground garden Catherine Fordham explains John Wesley’s ideas about the curing properties of plants. Starts at 1pm. Free.
A 40 minutes tour (starts at 1.30pm) demonstrating Mr. Wilderspin’s outside classroom in the Playground before adjourning to his schoolroom.