Alice in Wonderland cancellation
Friends at Barton’s postponed production of Alice in Wonderland has regrettably been cancelled for the foreseeable future at Wilderspin while essential electrical and safety improvements in the Joseph Wright Hall, started during the last lockdown, are completed. This work will continue throughout 2022.
The work has been made possible thanks to a grant from SSE Sustainable Development Fund, and additional heating improvements have been funded by Land Trust.
We’re getting in touch with ticket holders to advise about refunds. Our Office is open on Thursdays & Fridays only to process refunds – we are unable to deal with cash refunds at other times. If you are unable to call in on Thursdays & Fridays, please get in touch by phone (01652 635172) or email wilderspinschoolmuseum@gmail.com so we can make alternative arrangements.
The show may be scheduled for another venue and ticket monies can be transferred accordingly – we’ll sort the transfer arrangements with FAB.
We are grateful to ticket holders who have kindly donated their payment to the Trust for the benefit of further improvements to the Hall – these monies will be added to the Joseph Wright Hall Public Appeal which will be used to remodel the fire escape and stage access stairs which will enable us to increase audience capacity. It’s important that donations to the appeal from ticket monies are clearly designated as such – if you’d like to do this, please let us know by phone or email. The Museum office is staffed on Thursdays and Fridays only, but you can leave a message on our answerphone any time.