Alice in Wonderland cancellation

Friends at Barton’s postponed production of Alice in Wonderland has regrettably been cancelled for the foreseeable future at Wilderspin while essential  electrical and safety improvements in the Joseph Wright Hall, started during the last lockdown, are completed.  This work will continue throughout 2022.

The work has been made possible thanks to a grant from SSE Sustainable Development Fund, and additional heating improvements have been funded by Land Trust.

We’re getting in touch with ticket holders to advise about refunds.   Our Office is open on Thursdays & Fridays only to process refunds – we are unable to deal with cash refunds at other times.  If you are unable to call in on Thursdays & Fridays, please get in touch by phone (01652 635172) or email so we can make alternative arrangements.

The show may be scheduled for another venue and ticket monies can be transferred accordingly – we’ll sort the transfer arrangements with FAB.

We are grateful to ticket holders who have kindly donated their payment to the Trust for the benefit of further improvements to the Hall – these monies will be added to the Joseph Wright Hall Public Appeal which will be used to remodel the fire escape and stage access stairs which will enable us to increase audience capacity.  It’s important that donations to the appeal from ticket monies are clearly designated as such – if you’d like to do this, please let us know by phone or email.  The Museum office is staffed on Thursdays and Fridays only, but you can leave a message on our answerphone any time.


Posted on:22nd September 2021

Alice in Wonderland update

We are working with Friends At Barton to reschedule ALICE IN WONDERLAND, cancelled due to Covid 19 restrictions, this autumn – all being well.

Essential safety works improving the Joseph Wright Hall auditorium have been underway during the lockdowns – including installation of a lift and new electrics and a fire alarm system – and are due for completion in October.

We will advise ticket holders of the new dates as soon as possible and arrange for refunds if necessary.

We are grateful to Landtrust for funding support to install the lift, and to SSE Renewables (Sustainable Development Fund) for funding support of the safety improvements.

Posted on:8th September 2021

Heritage Open Days 2021

Heritage Open Days celebrate England’s architecture and culture by allowing visitors free access to interesting properties that are not usually publicly accessible or would normally charge a fee. It also includes tours, events and activities that focus on and celebrate the local heritage of the area. Heritage Open Days is England’s biggest and most popular voluntary cultural event and is also held in a further 48 countries across Europe.



Voices of Lincolnshire – Stories Unheard

In 2021 Heritage Lincolnshire is celebrating the many voices of Lincolnshire with a particular focus on the amazing stories that many people have not heard.  The theme focusses on the idea of celebrating the many voices of the county that have contributed to its heritage and culture, but which often go ‘unheard ’.  The festival will run from Friday 10th to Sunday 19th September 2021 giving everyone a whole ten days to visit the special places taking part.

Posted on:6th September 2021

Christmas at Wilderspin

On Saturdays 4 & 11 and Sundays 5 & 12 December, 10am-4pm, we’ve some craft and gift stalls next to The Old School Canteen in addition to our own Christmas shop clearance with loads of stocking filler bargains.  And Father Christmas will be in his grotto again – 11 – 12.30 and 1.30 – 3.00 (£3.50).

If you’d like to book a stall for any of the dates above – please ring (01652) 635172


Posted on:4th September 2021

Back to School!

Lockdown seemed as good a time as any to shake things up a little.

And the National Lottery Heritage Fund has helped us – so, thank you!

After our first decade we thought it was time to re-open by re-telling the fascinating story of the School’s unique link with Samuel Wilderspin and his Infant System – back in the early 1800s.

We’ve re-shaped your visit so you’ll go “back to school”, straight into the world’s only reconstruction Mr. Wilderspin’s Model Infant School of 1845.

pupil teacher

Then new displays and historical classroom settings tell the story of the Barton Church School, including a new Wartime Classroom showing the part played by the School in the Second World War.

You can help too – tell us what you think about our re-telling of the Wilderspin Story.  We’ll then look at things again over the summer and tweak things further in time for a big bash in September as part of Heritage Open Days.

Posted on:12th July 2021

Kickstarting Tourism

The Trust is grateful to the Humber Business Growth Hub for help with improving our shop and visitor reception as we prepared for post – Covid reopening.  We received £1,750 towards upgrading our Shop & Visitor Reception with funding made available by the  – SME Restart & Recovery / Kickstarting Tourism programme part funded by the European Regional Development Fund.


NPH_logo_BLUE_RGB new

Posted on:13th April 2021

Smart Energy investment in the Joseph Wright Hall

We have had support from Smart Energy Greater Lincolnshire to help us invest in more efficient heating for the Joseph Wright Hall, as part of an £8.5 million Smart Energy programme part funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

ERDF and Smart Energy combined logo







Posted on:5th July 2020

Lottery Club

Support our work restoring the former Church School & Primitive Methodist Chapel.

Two draws a year pay out a £50 prize, a £25 prize, two £20 prizes and two £10 prizes!

The annual subscription is only £15 (less than 30p per week!) by standing order only.

To participate and support the Trust, please print the Standing Order from and return it to us.

Click here for the WNS Lottery Standing Order Form

The Winter 2025 Draw winners were:

£50: Keith Ready

£25: Ralph Warfolk

£20 each: Brian Pettifer and Murray Wilson

£10 each: Jean Bradley and Stuart Oldridge

Posted on:10th April 2020
children having lesson in Victorian Schoolroom

Would you like to join our Education Team?

Due to increased demand from schools we require more Education Assistants to deliver “off the shelf” sessions to visiting school groups.  Teaching experience is helpful but not essential – what’s needed is self-confidence and enthusiasm!  Full training and induction is, of course, provided.  It’s very fulfilling and there’s a little remuneration too.

Please get in touch if you might be interested and we can give you more details.


tel: (01652) 635172

Posted on:20th December 2018