Humber & Wolds Rural Action at Wilderspin

Humber and Wolds Rural Action (HWRA) are now based at Wilderspin, in the Aelberry Building.

HWRA support and encourage rural communities to develop, so they can influence their own futures and secure a range of community facilities and services.

There are around 11,000 rural communities across Britain ranging from small hamlets to bustling market towns, all with their own individual character and economy. However, rural communities now find themselves at a cross-roads and action is essential in order to generate more sustainable communities and lifestyles, offering a better quality of life for all who live in the countryside, not just the affluent who can afford to live there.

With global pressures such as climate change, an ageing population and long lasting constraints on public spending, it is time to generate a new vision for our rural communities that delivers better services in different ways. Only then can we provide for the needs of both current and future generations that live, work and play in the countryside.

Their website is:

Posted on:7th July 2023

Chatty Cafe Coronation Celebration

Our Chatty Cafe is shaping-up nicely!
It developed from our Memory Cafe Project supported by the Humber Museums Partnership and is now an established twice-monthly event adjacent to our coffee shop The Old School Canteen.
Just look at the joy we had celebrating the coronation in May!
IMG_6360        IMG_6365    IMG_6362
Everyone is welcome to come along on the first Thursday each month to meet and chat with Museum volunteers and others, and on the third Thursday when we choose an optional topic to help stimulate conversation and reminisce. Both sessions run from 2p – 4pm. They’re free and booking is not required – just come along if the mood takes you.
We’ll be joined by Humber & Wolds Rural Action on Thursday 20 July to hear about their work now that they’re based at Wilderspin. But, before then, on Thursday 6 July, all are welcome to drop in for a chat “without an agenda” – between 2pm and 4pm.
Posted on:29th June 2023


It’s thirty years since the Trust, which saved the School from demolition, was set up.  Three decades on, the School is recognised as one of England’s most important schools.  It’s a significant part of British education history.

Barton Civic Society was at the forefront of saving the building and recognising its historical significance.  Saving the School was one of its early missions.  The other was to restore Barton Beck. 

Participants in those first campaigns return to see how their efforts worked out.  Join them for a quick look at the Beck (10am) before moving on to the Church School at 10.30am.  The Beck is five-minutes walk from the Wilderspin School Museum where there is ample car parking – and The Old School Canteen coffee shop for post-walk refreshment!

Saturday 4 March

Free – donations to help the work of the Civic Society and Queen Street School Preservation Trust are welcome.

Posted on:15th February 2023

Spring & Summer Opening

Our opening times resumed to Thursday – Sunday 10am – 4pm from Thursday 6 April until the autumn.

The Old School Canteen coffee shop is open as usual every week between 10am and 4pm on Thursday – Sunday inclusive.

Posted on:29th January 2023

Museum Open Days

Our next open weekend is 1 & 2 April.

The Old School Canteen coffee shop is open as usual every week between 10am and 4pm on Thursday – Sunday inclusive.

Posted on:29th January 2023

Museum Open Days

Our next open weekend is 18 & 19 March.  On the Saturday you can get creative in the Chatty Cafe where we’ve everything you need to make a mothers’ day card – whatever your age!

The Old School Canteen coffee shop is open as usual every week between 10am and 4pm on Thursday – Sunday inclusive.

Posted on:29th January 2023

Museum Open Days

Our next open weekend is 4 & 5  March.

The Old School Canteen coffee shop is open as usual every week between 10am and 4pm on Thursday – Sunday inclusive.

By the way – a diary date : on Saturday 18 March we’ll have everything you need to make Mothers’ Day cards in the Chatty Cafe.

Posted on:29th January 2023

Museum Open Days

Our next open days are Thursday 16 – Sunday 19 February to include the half term holiday in North Lincolnshire.

Posted on:29th January 2023

Hull’s Public Housing 1830- 1914

Afternoon lecture – Peter Claxton looks back at the forces that shaped public housing in Hull.  As the City’s population grew rapidly in the nineteenth century attempts to improve living conditions were controversial.  Part of the Barton upon Humber Civic Society lecture programme.  Non-members £2

Joseph Wright Hall, 2pm

Refreshments available before the lecture, in The Old School Canteen coffee shop in the Wilderspin School Museum.

Posted on:12th November 2022

More With Less – our autumn & winter opening times

Autumn Winter 2022/23 Opening at Wilderspin

Museum Open 11am – 3pm on each date listed.

The Old School Canteen coffee shop is open as usual Thursday – Sunday 10am – 4pm throughout the year.

Saturday              01-Oct

Sunday                 02-Oct

Saturday              15-Oct

Sunday                 16-Oct

Thursday             27-Oct                   Half Term

Friday                    28-Oct                 Half Term

Saturday              29-Oct                   Half Term

Sunday                 30-Oct                   Half Term

Saturday              05-Nov                 Admission charge £5 per adult commences.  Children FREE.

Sunday                 06-Nov

Saturday              19-Nov

Sunday                 20-Nov

Saturday              26-Nov                 Barton Christmas Festival (12pm – 4pm)

Saturday              03-Dec

Sunday                 04-Dec

Saturday              17-Dec

Sunday                 18-Dec

Saturday              07-Jan

Sunday                 08-Jan

Saturday              21-Jan

Sunday                 22-Jan

Saturday              04-Feb

Sunday                 05-Feb

Thursday             16-Feb                  Half Term

Friday                    17-Feb                 Half Term

Saturday              18-Feb                  Half Term

Sunday                 19-Feb                  Half Term

Saturday              04-Mar

Sunday                 05-Mar

Saturday              18-Mar

Sunday                 19-Mar

Posted on:28th September 2022