Monday Tea Club with Slow Circular Earth

A free event for families to cook and eat together, enjoy a healthy meal, and discover affordable, nutritious options.

4pm – 6.30pm at Wilderspin

22 & 29 April and 13 & 20 May

Learn cooking skills and help reduce food waste to care for the planet.

Have fun and make new friends.

To book – message Slow Circular Earth or text 07875 407997


Posted on:12th March 2024

Lifelong Learning at Barton

This newly formed group provides short educational and informative courses for everyone aged 18 year and over.

Sessions are held at Wilderspin in the Joseph Wright Hall.

Maritime Archaeology runs from 17 January until 21 February on Wednesday afternoons between 1.30pm and 3.30pm.  Tutor: Simon Tomson.  Fee: £60 (six sessions)

Contact 07442 160785 for more details.

Posted on:2nd March 2024

Slow Circular Earth’s Community Fridge

The Community fridge is a simple solution to wasting less, through the sharing of good quality food.

A community fridge is a space where everyone can share their surplus food, including donations from local businesses, producers, households and gardens.

Slow Circular Earth is working with Hubbub in collaboration with Coop and Starbucks to help provide 6.8 million meals to people who need them most and to enable local communities to give what they can and take what they need, so that nothing goes to waste.

You can get involved by:

  • Sharing or donating your surplus food
  • Volunteering your time to help support
  • Spreading the word using #CommunityFridge

The aim is to reduce food waste and promote sustainable eating habits, with regular  workshops to learn how to cook delicious, healthy, and budget-friendly meals using surplus food, and compiling a community cookbook together.

For more information and updates, please visit our website at or follow us on social media at:

Posted on:1st March 2024

Cafe Changes

Due to rising energy and supply costs the Old School Canteen cafe has ceased trading at the Museum.

But … every cloud as they say …. and we’re pleased to be hosting Slow Circular Earth’s Zero Waste pop up cafe on Fridays between 10.30am and 1.30pm.

They’re also running a Community Fridge – so pop in on Fridays whe it’s all happening! 

Posted on:1st March 2024

Chatty Cafe

We’ve mixed things up a bit  –  combining refreshments with the school museum experience!

We think it’s pretty unique and we are grateful for the support of the Humber Museums Partnership. 

And we’re really proud our efforts have been recognised with a “Volunteers for Museum Learning” award by the Marsh Charitable Trust in conjunction with the British Museum.  Click here for more details.

Getting everyone chatting was at the heart of it – and to help get conversations going we looked through our store to find some interesting things that rarely get displayed, and have boxed them up for visitors to unpack and chat about.


We’re busy planning our Chatty Cafe sessions for 2024 and will publish the details on the website soon.

If you’d like to know more, click on the YouTube link to watch the video about our project:

Or click here for a summary: Wilderspin Memory Cafe Project Case Study

Please get in touch by phone (01652) 635172 or email ( if you, someone you know, or a group you’re involved with might like to get involved.


Friends & Family

Delve into a Memory Box of things from our store and unpack those childhood memories at the Chatty Table.

Michael and Josh at soft launch 16 April 2022


Friends & Family

If you or someone you know would enjoy a chance to come to the museum and swap stories with others about the past over “a cuppa” we’re scheduling some regular drop-in sessons.  Details are just being worked out but we’ll post them here very soon.

jubillee 3


Learning Together

One of our first events this summer was with residents from Beech House care home in Barton and children from Barton St. Peter’s Primary School.  They swapped stories with each other and had a great time.

If you are a carer or know of a group or someone who would love to meet and chat with youngsters please get in touch so we can arrange it.



Show & Tell

Apart from talking about the past we’ve also got a table for crafters, collectors and hobbyists for pop-up displays, demonstrations and sales.

There’s no charge – and the table can be borrowed for a morning, afternoon, day or weekend.

Just so long as it’s a talking point!

Get in touch if you’d like to “set up your stall” in the Chatty Café – on (01652) 635172.


Read All About It!

Wilderspin Memory Cafe Project Case Study

Posted on:1st March 2024

Lifelong Learning at Barton

LLaB is a newly formed group which provides short educational and informative courses for everyone aged 18 years and over.

Their latest course is Maritime Archaeology which looks at the archaeological remains of riverine and marine craft from the Bronze Age to the post-Medieval periods.

It runs on Wednesday afternoons at Wilderspin in the Raikes Room (Joseph Wright Halll) from 17 January to 21 February.

£60 for the six sessions.

Posted on:25th January 2024

Marsh Award for Wilderspin Volunteers

We are thrilled that our Memory Café Project, launched in 2022, has been awarded a Marsh Award for Museum Learning by the British Museum and the Marsh Charitable Trust.

Our volunteers piloted a selection of objects from our collection to see how they prompted discussion and recollections among older people.  Then, Memory Boxes were put together for museum visitors to chat about over a cup of tea, and they were used too with residents from a care home as part of an intergenerational session with children from a local school.

A Chatty Café team has taken the project forward organising monthly drop-ins focussing on a theme for discussion and reminiscence.

The ‘Volunteers for Museum Learning’ Award forms part of a programme of awards presented by the Marsh Charitable Trust in the fields of science, ecology, conservation, heritage, literature and volunteering.  The aim is to recognise those volunteers who engage directly with museum visitors in any capacity.

The Museum was the winner for the East Midlands region which involved some of our volunteers attending an award ceremony at the British Museum.

Although the Museum is closed over the winter period as an energy saving measure our volunteers will be organising Open Days during which the Chatty Café will be operating along with other special family activities – and we’re putting together plans for special Chatty Café events over the winter.

Photo caption:

Wilderspin volunteers Ian Wolseley and (right) Jean Cannon and Rose Jackson with Project Coordinator Ali Bodley.

Posted on:5th November 2023

Pinocchio show times and ticket details


A fabulous family panto written and directed by Paul Tate and performd by Friends at Barton.

Show times:

Thursday 16th 7.30pm

Friday 17th 7.30pm

Saturday 18th 2.30pm & 7.30pm

Sunday 19th 2.30pm

All tickets £5

Tickets can be bought in person from the Museum between 10am and 3pm, Thursdays – Saturdays or by phone on (01652) 635172 Mondays/Tuesdays 10am to 5.30pm, Wednesday 10am – 1pm, and Thursdays/Fridays 10am to 3pm.

Posted on:23rd October 2023

Closure of The Old School Canteen

Regrettably, after seven successful years at the Museum, the Old School Canteen coffee shop has ceased trading.

The coffee shop was an independent business and despite support from the Museum charitable trust during its period of operation, during Covid, and throughout the current energy crisis, the proprietor decided that the escalating energy and catering cost pressures had become unsustainable.

We’ve been so lucky to have such a superb and unique refreshments offer for our museum visitors, and the awards it’s won are testament to its popularity with many customers from Barton and further afield.

We wish all the team every success in their new jobs and thank them for all their enthusiasm and hard work.


Posted on:6th August 2023

Caring for our Collection

Care of our museum collection is the job of our Collections Group, a small team of dedicated volunteers.  We are grateful to ongoing support of Museum Development Yorkshire who provide training and opportunities to liaise with colleagues from other museums.  They are supporting us again with training for our volunteers to show them the special cleaning methods and object handling techniques which will help ensure the long-term care of items entrusted to us.  We are currently seeking funding to install window blinds to improve protection of items on display following previous guidance support from MDY.  Museum Development Yorkshire is part of the York Museums Trust.  It provides advice and support for museums in Yorkshire and the Humber and is funded by Arts Council England.


Our Collections Group meets weekly and undertake a variety of tasks including cataloguing and adding items to our Collection as well as research and display design.  There’s much to do and new volunteers are welcome – just get in touch if you’d like to know more or see what they do.

Posted on:22nd July 2023