Borrow one of our school satchels packed with fun things for toddlers to do.
The satchels can be collected from the shop and returned there at the end of your visit.
Free – as part of general admission charge.
Borrow one of our school satchels packed with fun things for toddlers to do.
The satchels can be collected from the shop and returned there at the end of your visit.
Free – as part of general admission charge.
Saturday 10am – 2pm
Preloved items and useful things for sale at knockdown prices, lots to look at and buy – as part of fund raising for further restoration of the School.
Hallgate Chamber Ensemble return to Wilderspin Museum for an enchanting evening of Baroque Chamber music .
The Ensemble includes Voice, Flute, Trumpet, Bassoon and Strings and is conducted by Carey Williams
Tickets £6 in advance from the Museum or on the door
Saturday 25 February, 7.00pm
The New County Choir celebrates Christmas at Wilderspin in the Victorian ambience of the Wilderspin Schoolroom.
Enjoy a programme of Chritmas carols, traditional and new, including “When Icicles Hang” by John Rutter.
Conductor: Stan Kell
Pianist: Peter Sproston
Tickets £5 on the door or in advance from the Musuem – by phone or in person
Saturday 17 December, 7.30pm
(Joseph Wright Hall)
Monday 5th, Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th December
Be whisked away with the best loved and most famous of Charles Dickens works. Who can ever forget those immortal words “Bah, Humbug!”? A new local Drama Group, Friends at Barton, will be presenting this classic tale of the mean old miser Scrooge. Throw in a few Ghosts and you have the perfect evening’s entertainment in a venue that could not be more in keeping…..The Joseph Wright Hall, built in Victorian times. Paul Tate, originally from Barton has adapted the story for the stage and cannot wait to get you all in the Christmas SPIRIT! Every pun intended!
Shows start at 7.30pm. All tickets £5. Book on 01652 635172 or in person from the museum.
There are only a few seats left for each performance! All remaining tickets are now ONLY on sale at the museum.
1pm – 5pm
Immerse yourself in a traditional Victorian Christmas with things for the kids to do and make, and a chance for the grownups to enjoy traditional Christmas fare in the Old School Canteen coffee shop.
Free (Victorian Father Christmas £3.00 includes a stocking gift)
If you have booked a table in the indoor market or table top sale you can set up from 11am – tables will be in the Joseph Wright Hall adjacent to the museum. Pop in to museum reception first to register.
The sales will run from 1pm – 5pm.
Crafted by Snorky will be running felting sessions during October – December. Felting is therapeutic, relaxing and fun – you don’t need any experience or art skills – just enthusiasm! You’ll be led step by step to create a wet felted poppy. The price includes tuition, materials, equipment, and refreshments. Extra materials are available to buy for experimenting at home.
You can find more details about each session on our “Courses” page.
October: 14th Owls, 15th poppies, 28th Halloween Masks (Family Session), 29th Halloween Fun Figures
November: 18th Notebook Covers, 19th Festive thoughts
December: 9th Xmas Decorations 10th Xmas Decorations
Bookings contact: tracy@snorkymedia.com and by phone 07976 848359
10am – 3pm – the first of what will be regular, indoor sales in the Joseph Wright Hall adjacent to the museum. Setting up from 9am. Tables are £5 each and can be reserved by telephoning the museum on (01652) 635172. Payment should be made as soon as possible after booking. Subsequent sales are 26 November (Christmas Festival) & indoor Christmas market, 4 March 2017, and 20 May 2017.
Every Thursday during the summer holidays children aged 5-13 can try out one of several crafts their parents or grandparents will recall – at school or in the home.
The first of four weekly craft sessions is on 28 July. The following sessions are: 4, 11 and 18 August. Come back each week to try a different craft.
Each session runs from 1pm to 3pm and cost £4 per single session or £3.50 per multiple sessions.
Children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult – older participants may like “their” adult to join them – that’s fine – in fact it helps our volunteers help the children. So come along too!
The crafts vary each week – we’ll be bale to tell you exactly what is on offer if you ring.
Tel (01652) 635172 to book.
11am – 4pm (Wilderspin Schoolroom)
An exhibition of memorabilia from the Great War. Admission £2.