We’ve mixed things up a bit – combining refreshments with the school museum experience!
We think it’s pretty unique and we are grateful for the support of the Humber Museums Partnership.
And we’re really proud our efforts have been recognised with a “Volunteers for Museum Learning” award by the Marsh Charitable Trust in conjunction with the British Museum. Click here for more details.
Getting everyone chatting was at the heart of it – and to help get conversations going we looked through our store to find some interesting things that rarely get displayed, and have boxed them up for visitors to unpack and chat about.

We’re busy planning our Chatty Cafe sessions for 2024 and will publish the details on the website soon.
If you’d like to know more, click on the YouTube link to watch the video about our project:
Or click here for a summary: Wilderspin Memory Cafe Project Case Study
Please get in touch by phone (01652) 635172 or email (wilderspinschoolmuseum@gmail.com) if you, someone you know, or a group you’re involved with might like to get involved.
Friends & Family
Delve into a Memory Box of things from our store and unpack those childhood memories at the Chatty Table.

Friends & Family
If you or someone you know would enjoy a chance to come to the museum and swap stories with others about the past over “a cuppa” we’re scheduling some regular drop-in sessons. Details are just being worked out but we’ll post them here very soon.

Learning Together
One of our first events this summer was with residents from Beech House care home in Barton and children from Barton St. Peter’s Primary School. They swapped stories with each other and had a great time.
If you are a carer or know of a group or someone who would love to meet and chat with youngsters please get in touch so we can arrange it.

Show & Tell
Apart from talking about the past we’ve also got a table for crafters, collectors and hobbyists for pop-up displays, demonstrations and sales.
There’s no charge – and the table can be borrowed for a morning, afternoon, day or weekend.
Just so long as it’s a talking point!
Get in touch if you’d like to “set up your stall” in the Chatty Café – on (01652) 635172.
Read All About It!
Wilderspin Memory Cafe Project Case Study