Music in the Playground
Barton Ukes perfom at 2pm in the Wilderspin Playground as part of Barton Arts 2022.
We’ll move inside if it’s wet or too hot!
Refreshemnts from The Old School Canteen.
Barton Ukes perfom at 2pm in the Wilderspin Playground as part of Barton Arts 2022.
We’ll move inside if it’s wet or too hot!
Refreshemnts from The Old School Canteen.
Visit the Wilderspin Playground Garden and buy your map guide here for other gardens in this year’s Barton Arts Open Gardens festival.
2pm – 4pm
Enjoy a sing with South Bank Singers with music from Frozen, Lion King etc.
Everyone welcome, especially families – and you don’t need to be able to read music!
Joseph Wright Hall auditorium (with lift access)
1pm – 4pm
Free – but donations towards running costs welcome!
Please register your interest on 01652 618770 so that we can control numbers.
Our furry friends are back for children to spot – and tell them about the School.
Free (included as part of adult admission fee)